Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Great Reset Timeline - 2 Corono Virus Simulations Done 2018-2019


2014 - Great Reset idea marketing had begun. Be sure to read all about the WEF and WHO pandemic and virus simulations done 2018 and 2019 right before Corona began.

"It took Schwab and the Davos elite about six years to watch their great reset ideology grow from a tiny Swiss seed in 2014 to a European super-flower pollinating the entire globe in 2020"

“The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering” — Event 201 pandemic simulation (October, 2019)

MIT Study Shows Gene Modification Experimentation through Covid Vaccines


MIT study, shows a possible gene modification experimentation using Covid Vaccines: 



The Great Reset is more than socialism or communism...

Watch video here:



He is right. Socialism and Communism is the government merging with the public and sharing ownership together. Fascism is worse. It is stakeholders (in our soon to be day, big corporation merging with politicians) owning everything. They will own everything, they will also own/fund-and-co-own the federal digital currency systems worldwide that will replace the USD paper money system, which they helped to collapse completely (manufactured crisis along with Covid lockdowns used to pave the way for the Great Reset agendas) with inflating the public debt another $124trillion in bank bailouts alone 2008-2020 (not counting the fed checks to the public after that during Covid). 

This is all on a path to complete fascist total control to the max. It dwarfs socialism and communism systems that have already failed in the past. This is not conspiracy theory. It is actually happening. It is no longer a secret, as they are promoting and doing it in the open at this point. All in the name of public need in response to health and financial crises'.


Also watch:





Read:  https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-sleepiest-antichrist/?fbclid=IwAR3DtCNxZBGfL3GJfj3ql8js7SJX7sb4Rcw61ZbeiYXqI3E42D2h1OxLwEA


MIT study, shows a possible gene modification experimentation using Covid Vaccines:


John Hopkins study proves lockdowns did nothing for covid:

From John Hopkins University:
Covid lockdowns worldwide, proven ineffective:
"“lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality. More
specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only
reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing
COVID-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence
of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality.
While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects,
they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In
consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy




From John Hopkins University:
Covid lockdowns worldwide, proven ineffective:

"“lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality. More
specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only
reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing
COVID-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence
of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality.
While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects,
they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In
consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Freedom/Liberty vs Elitist/Fascist New World Order - 2021-2030+


Anyone who uses fear, to coerce and force you to do some action that benefits them, is psychological mind control manipulation. When they pretend nothing is wrong, they are innocent, they are giving contradicting messages in their conversation, that is gas-lighting after manipulation, to further manipulate and force and control your mind to accept their previous manipulation.
Elitists inside WEF and WHO and other related "world" orgs are bringing about the "New World Order". Preparing over the years in different ways by infiltrating/manipulating their financial economic ideas into the heads of elected leadership and businesses and people worldwide - and used mind control to force acceptance of their one financial/economic new order of things using fear mongering (you will be left behind world leaders and countries, if you don't do what we say...), then using 9-11 attacks (hmm, did they know terrorists would do the plane plot, and that's why scientists see proof of bombs going off in the foundations at the same time to completely demolish those buildings, even one not hit by a plane... and blaming it all on the terrorists? Who planted the bombs? When scientists started seeing evidence of that, who quieted them?) bringing about NSA spying (see Edward Snowden leaks) and governments/businesses tracking everything we do on the internet and our cell phones, 2 yrs later (and governments now sharing digital tracking on their citizens with each other and making laws to protect google and facebook and cell companies and more, to keep doing it), and then the Covid "pandemic" (which is less dangerous than the common flu) being the 2020 fear and control catalyst to the 2021 WEF agenda (also infiltrated into the UN as Agenda 21) of the "Great Reset" during the 4th industrial revolution and monetary system reset (because they knew the last paper money not backed by gold would eventually fail, and in fact helped the entire system to fail with excessive federal spending and bailouts). 
Years before the Covid deal, W.H.O. (search Bill Gates on youtube) said it was coming. Well, if the head of the WHO said so, even doing mock up drill to see what might occur if such a thing actually happened, that actually became real just a year later, why did they know it was coming? When someone has the know before anyone else, is that not good evidence of possible involvement in some way? All this is preplanned. These elites are master minding the whole thing, they have government leaders from all countries under their belt. By the way, Bill Gates says another virus is coming.
When people are tired of government and big corporate centralization, and trying for decentralization (see resisting forced mask wearing, right extremists/anarchists having little civil wars in american cities with left extremists, etc), the elites are pre-engineering, pre-manufacturing everything to happen their way, are forcing the ultimate, centralized, new world economic system in a totaltarian/fascist/control-everything way. If you control the world economically/financially, and then merge with governing hierarchies, throw in some manufactured fears from health and financial crisis' that were probably also manufactured, you can do anything in this world. The clash between decentralizing societies vs forced centralized ultimate power and control of economic-political ways, in a very fascist, socialistic and communistic methods, will bring the end time prophecies to occur for real. And this is not just a USA ordeal. This is organized on a worldwide scale. Just as scripture prophecies forewarned us would happen. Bringing about the end of all nations (the current economic and political and social ones we have now), and replaced with something "new" -but actually failed systems of old. The merging of corporate elites, wealthy bankers and politicians, to bring about a completely new political/social/economic/industrial era, where they control everything, including how and what you buy and sell, fits scriptural prophecy about the end times.
The Big Reset planning began long ago. It's the 2021 Great Reset, because 2020 Covid fear and control was used to initiate their plan in 2021. They (and most everyone) knew the current financial system would eventually fail. Banks (some are creating/funding the new federal digital currency systems) as we know them, are going to soon be a thing of the past. Bankers are the next jobless. The elite new the current financial collapse of the USD would come, so they already planned for a new Fed-Coin or credit card type digital currency system rollout. If most banks (the wealthy top banksters are in on the new system) fail, what then of the stock market, where our banks put the small amounts of funds they actually have on hand? Kiyosaki, Gerald Celentes and so many others are predicting a serious crash later this year. They know all about this new world order agenda. My investing research this month led me to watching Kiyosaki discussing the Great Reset plan already taking place.

Hmm, you will not be able to buy and sell or do about anything, unless you use the new forced financial system. Sound familiar?
Automated cars/trucks, Biotechnology and AI/Robotics is their plan for the next great Industrial Revolution #4. I'm talking Robots replacing workers, automated trucks delivering goods and people, automated battery powered cars (hmm, the richest man, head of Tesla, is now heading the robotic revolution). If some elites want to start thinning out populations, isn't this a good way to head to such things, by making lots of humans suddenly jobless and "worth-less"? Have you seen the population control wording inscribed in the public Georgia guidestones? Have you read the Orwellian books that talk about the same? This is the stuff these elitists are going towards. This is their agenda. It's not just helping the socio-economic systems already in place after health and financial crisis, it's leading to a complete replacement in a fascist stakeholder way that dwarfs socialism and communism.
The prophesied end time "anti-christ" is here. Who? What makes this new person and his group non-Christian? Who has the opportunity and capability to have the absolute control over what we buy and sell, worldwide?

Who is the head economic leader of the world? Who is using good things like equality, to lie and manipulate and gaslight government leaders and their citizens, to bring about a new financial system, that will replace or reset the current financial system? A financial system that heads the world's economies because they adopted and followed and trusted in the US Dollar paper (not even backed by assets like Gold like it was before) economic system? End the Fed was shouted for years. The Fed and corporate elites, the wealthiest in the world, are going to create to something that will enrichen their power and control and wealth ten fold, putting the public/individuals under them, to benefit off of them.
Who has "power" to bring about the prophecies in Revelations? Who teaches such aweful things like "you will own nothing, and be happy by 2030"? Have you studied their Agenda 2021 leading up to Agenda 2030? Agenda 2030 is the next step. With zero remorse for doing the opposite of what the constitution of the USA gives us, such as the rights of private ownership and liberty. Talk about the constitution currently hanging by a thread. It's about to be completely abolished and done away with. Who teaches within WEF, that people basically don't need God, because mortals are becoming God-like here? (Watch Yuval Noah Harari on youtube). This same man was in the 50th 2021 WEF meeting (Agenda 21 prep conference), using fear, fear of a faceless enemy (one that does not exist - but uses myth to make the idea a reality - an idea is not always truth)... to convince the 300+ world leaders in that meeting to get on board with their new one world economic system must be adopted, or your county will be dominated by the other countries industrially, even using losing future wars with other dominating countries. It's mind control/manipulation using fear mongering to push them to join their agendas. You are being played. Manipulated. Only a God-less, egomanical, empathy (care and concern for other people) lacking/voidant group thinking people could do such. All traits of psychopath or related mental issues if you ask any psychologist. They use some good ideas, and mix them with very bad ones, to control you to go their way. They head the system. They system is about wealth, not the betterment of society. Their new systems will destroy all freedom and liberty and mental health of societies. The elite control those who govern societies wordwide. We will all suffer because of what has already been done and soon to be done 2022-2030 and beyond as they implement the Great Reset of the world post 9-11/Covid/etc.
UN Agenda 21, was put in force long ago. Even Brazil Pres, in a youtube video, rejects the idea of the Great Reset happening in most all other countries, but doesn't realize that he is currently backing the great reset idea, by being a part of the UN, which has already been infiltrated by the WEF, via UN Agenda 21 being put in plays a long time ago. This WEF agenda has been adopted in local governments and states everywhere via UN Agenda 21. But I like him standing up against The Great Reset.
About 12 years ago I was studying scripture about last days prophecies. And a day vision opened into my mind that I cannot forget. I was shown people fighting everywhere. Baricades. Uniforms. Neighbors, fighting and killing each other. And it continued for a minute or two and I could not bare to see more and begged for it to stop. I  could not fathom how such things that came into view, or was prophesied to happen in the last days... could ever occur on such a grand scale.

In 2019, I was asking in prayer, how could genocide and violence come to pass in the end times. I was thinking those times were a decade or two away at least. I was told that things are much worse than I then already studied and saw was happening. I was already shocked at what was already happening. One thing that I could not understand and shocked me the most, was that I was told that a time will come when even homes will be taken away, and much violence will follow. I had zero idea what could transpire to cause violence and war and genocide that could come from people losing homes. People losing homes to their banks for non payment didn't fit. Had no idea. I did not know any of the stuff I see happening worldwide now. I knew nothing of the Great Reset or Agenda 21. Was before 2020 Covid pandemic (which it and other crisis' are used for establishing the new order of things). Later I learned about the looting and fighting between leftist and right extremists fighting each other in the streets, and knew that had something to do with it. Could maybe eventually lead to global fighting. But a few months ago I learned about Agenda 21 by the UN already done years before. Then I learned from Robert Kiyosaki on youtube, and Glen Beck and others, this month, about WEF Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. It's being implemented now. They don't just want full economic control, complete monitoring and control of the money system, they want to remove private ownership completely. "Own nothing and be happy". UN Agenda 21 has wording that the local governments (were the recording of land plots take place) can take homes/lands and redistribute as they see fit, in the event of major public crisis, such as financial collapse or health pandemics. WEF Agenda 21 motto for 2030 is "You will own nothing and be happy". They plan to use the new Fed-Coin credit and debit system, probably soon to be only legal monetary system allowed (Gold and Silver was confiscated by the government before and there is already talks of regulating bitcoin - which only psychologically eased the minds of investors to warm up to the idea of a digital federal currently coming to nations (I recently read that Mexico announced they start theirs in 2024), and they will eventually have complete fascist power to govern and control who gets to buy or sell or do anything, based on your digital score generated from their internet tracking system already in place since 9-11, and AI software algorythms, etc, (and likely based on your willingness to accept or reject their new controlled system). Glen Beck said something about them confiscating 50% of property and putting people in confined areas (their cities). Want to rent your house back after ownership transfers for the "greater good" or the new banking system, both "Reset" to fix the financial crash? Be a good little boy, and they will permit you to credit your digital wallet account to do so. To travel. To buy. To use automated public transportation. Etc. If people can control your money and how you spend it, and how you live, they control everything. You are theirs.
The prophecies are exact. They are not just cryptic ideas we need to work so hard to figure out. They predict exactly what transpires. It's just hard for us to see them, until during or after the fact. Hindsight. There are the usual pendellum swinging time periods in civilizations, between centralization/control and decentralization/liberty. But in the last days, man becomes so self absorbed, so without empathy and compassion and charity, so far from God or the need for Him, after thousand of years in this current cycle of mortality on this planet. And the prophets were shown the outcome. The prophets were in fact shown our day. 
It's already here. It's a train that cannot be stopped or derailed. The world economic leaders, the biggest corporations and world financial leaders and now your elected government leaders, are the head. They are making themselves the future stakeholders. It's already in motion and Covid was used (and I'm sensing created also, since Covid was man made to begin with and somehow escaped research lab in Wuhan - like the complete collapses in 9-11) as a fear tactic, to further destroy the current economic system, to bring in the new one. Along with business leaders bringing about the next automated/ people-not-needed industrial revolution. They use fear tactics, to make you afraid, mentally confused, so it's easier for the new world order agendas to be put in place.
Fascism/control/socialism/communism, on a world wide scale, headed by a club of elites, who fear mongered and mind controlled and manipulated and propaganderized their club paying members and really the entire world, to buying into the new order.   We were fore-warned it would come. 
Now vaccine studies showing spike protein problems that can cause more medical immune issues down the road? People in the WEF circle investing in the company who makes Astrazenica's jab. Moderna being a gene modifying firm to begin with. Research proving lockdowns did nothing to prevent transmission or death from covid. What about the 2 patents taken out 2020-2021 mentioned in the patent links at bottom of this post?
I am still in shock about it all. So many times I have asked, and didn't like to hear the answers. I again asked, in 2019 and was told some things in answer. I had no idea how such things could occur. And then the truth comes to me, to see things that are already occurring, shortly after. I cannot believe the things I hear from Harari and Schwab. I cannot believe how banksters and economic professors/forums have manipulated corporate elites and elected leaders to follow such things. Bankers and the world's wealthiest people I can imagine. But big corps also? Corp products we all use everyday? Surely they will profit(wealth) like never before, they will become even bigger (power). Wealth and power are the main ways people become corrupt. Imagine the profits to the big banksters/Fed res investors, when they create the new digital system, and there is no more little banks and credit unions, no more visa or masterdard, etc? Same with Google and Facebook, cell phone companies, and all those companies who are paying members and attend these summits with the WEF... imagine the profit when the new economic system rolls out. No wonder they got on board. But elected leaders? Local governments? Seriously? They were coerced, manipulated, tricked, fear mongered and financially enticed as well. And the same thing has already been being done for decades to the citizens. In the name of "what's best for the public in times of serious crisis". This is propaganda. It doesn't take much intelligence to see what is actually happening and where things are actually heading. This is exactly how conspiracy theories become actual conspiracies. This is how Hitler, Stalin and others did their things in their little parts of the world. This is world wide economic-political-social domination by the elite and governments. This is the biggest secret combination of all time on Global scale. It's what could cause the very prophecies in the Bible to come to pass. It's exactly what John on the Isle of Patmos, and Isaiah and Daniel and Jeremiah and others saw. This is exactly why the Nephites and Jeredites were wiped out on this land! Those prophets saw our exact time also! They used their stories of their societal collapses due to secret combinations/conspiracies, to warn us about our day. 2 records are used by God to say hey, We (Heavens) tried to forewarn you of this day.
I wish it was all conspiracy theory or fearful ideas. But it's reality. People who don't research and study and ponder it all, or ignore it all. There is already fear and anxiety and depression like never before, wait until financial collapse, and a new political-financial system put into place, and ownership transfer and land division transferred into hands of corporate/economic elite "stakeholders" who concocted, and socially engineered it all to happen. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to fighting and chaos. Clashing between liberty and God-less control of all people. Hmm, the "war in heaven" we read about from before our current mortal cycle. Centralized control vs decentralized control. Liberty/free agency vs control and dominance. The same war happening over and over through history, but the greatest one occurring in the end of each cycle. The natural mortal man is an enemy to God. This is why. It's hard for me to accept, because I have also been the proactive, positive, trust that most people are good thinker. The older I get, the more I see in the world, in people, in relationships and family... the less naive I become. This is where mankind goes over time. Control. Greed. Power. Selfism. Benefit personally off the backs of other people and care not for what they do to them to get it. Lies and manipulation (always go hand in hand). God-less. Traditional family destruction. Anxiety constant fear. Depression. Dehumanization. Population control using health measures.

Harrari preaches to other WEF government members last year, saying that if you don't get in line with us, you could be dominated by Stalin like dictators. Or could be dominated by other AI heading contries like china. He uses what they are actually becoming, uses that same idea against them, to coerce joining their program. It is sick. I see the contradictions. They teach to avoid people like that, when they are the people like that. I know it's hard to believe. I still cannot fathom it all. It's hard to realize and digest.
God's real past prophets predicted it all. Had them write. Writings have been preserved, despite changes and deletions and additions, just enough to lead and guide. Book of Mormon preserved for the last days. There is a good side to it all. When the bad is coming about, here in this very land, the good Zion/fulfillment of good prophecies, begins also. Real prophets are here again. Preparing for Zion to merge with those who owned this land before europeans took it for themselves.
Just as the last days, all powerful economic, buy and sell controlling world leader enters the scene, so does God have a servant he has prepared, at the same time. It's why that Angel came and told him that his mission had begun 40+ years before. That man had no idea of the things to come. What that mission entailed. Until a few years ago. Zion is coming. It's already in the works. God used that man to attempt a fix in the LDS church by writing books. He gave the message the God in fact gave to him. I knew it, because God had already given me similar messages since 2008. Too much centralized power and control to SLC leaders had corrupted the entire church. They had done what these economic elitists have done. They followed their example. God needed a correction among His people where He last set His hand among mankind. Decentralization of Mormonism was attempted, but the powers that be and the sheeple that put all their idolatristic trust into those arms of flesh, fought against the truth. Against God in reality. Centralized power fought back, they ignored the Message from God, and removed the righteous man from among them and painted him as apostate and bad to the church. So God created a decentralized Fellowship of like minded believers, using a remnant of repentant LDS believers who see the truth, see the message coming from God. Since 2014, God now accepts the priesthood held among them to do valid ordinances, such as Baptism, and more. God had in His mind to do all along. He knew what the Church would do, just as He knew what economic/business/government leaders would do so long ago.
The Church adopted long ago, and continues the centralized power idea. Follow the leader or you are out of line. Apostate. Against God's leaders. When a religious org casts out the righteous from among them, actual prophets getting actual truth and teaching from God direct, taking the spirit or actual word of God as their guide... then you may know they are ripe for destruction. Spiritual destruction. God no longer honors your lesser priesthood God left you with for a couple centuries (like He had done with Israel in their failure). But cross the line and something new comes about. God foresaw and preplanned. No one can thwart the works of God.

But the economic centralized power "new world order" scheme, will lead to physical destruction. Those preaching that others should be afraid of Stalin dominating power, are those prepping to do exactly that. European gentile treading down was attempted, but European/American elitists are attempting the greatest power control grab of all that cannot be eliminated by anyone. It's still about the white privilege topic. God's main prophet (new Davidic servant to redeem a Covenant people into a modern Israel for the redemption of Zion and all that follows) today forewarned us in this day of these very things. Years ago. It's all here now and the other things he prophesied, which are really restatements of prophets past and the message from God to him, are about to come to pass. Including genocidal warfare (groups killing on a large scale of other worth-less in their mind groups), like Hitler, Stalin, etc of old. It's coming to a clash. It's culminating past the point of no return. It was socially engineered. Structured. Propaganderized. By rich elite and dominating economists and corporations worldwide, and our elected "public servants" and are in on it.
It is the same "war in heaven", for the next cycle of time. The war between centralization/decentralization of power or free agency vs complete dominance and control by those at the top.

After God's reset... after Zion and the 2nd Coming cleansing, and a new garden of Eden mellenial state. This story of our day, will be talked about, like something occuring before the next stage of mortality. And seems like a war in "heaven" (please, there is no war there - such things are put away by then) because it was before their Garden story which is the just the start for them in their new creation cycle, and the end of ours.
God also has a plan to overcome the elitist new world order and the following fighting and violence that comes from it. That includes gathering His covenant people into a safezone, or Zion. Those selfish manipulators who caused and are for the centralized control scheme in economics or even religion, and all those who are like them where ever they are, will not be able to withstand His brightness at His coming. The earth was deluged in water before. Fire cleanses in the end. His physical reset, overcomes their Great Reset and dominating control scheme and all the fighting and wars the mortal elitist reset will bring. Just as His spiritual reset already overcame the LDS centralized corruption and failure. 
Who is on the Lord's side? If prophecy and history and failure in all civilizations and all organized religions, including one that was allowed by God in the 1800's is not enough, will logic and truth be enough? Will those who "see" what is happening and soon to happen, be listened too? Will you see eye to eye, and see what they already see? Their truth comes from years of scripture study and connecting with God on whatever levels they do. Even thru the weak, who still make little mistakes. They see what others don't see currently happening. They "see" what is about to happen. They spread the word in whatever ways they can. And the word of God, old and to them direct today, and to others today, is what should be heeded. Those men want nothing more than to do good for others and for God. They don't want your tithing to do what they want with. They don't want followers, or power or any kind of insecure self preserving going on. They don't want your beautiful wife or daughter in plurality like Mormons a century ago. They don't want to lead or dominate in a group fashion, or do anything like Mormons and all organized religions have done, and the elites have done. We are like minded friends, and one is not above the other. God can talk with you or anyone. God can make you a prophet/prophetess/seer/servant/friend of God. Just like he did with all the people found in sacred texts. Just like He did with Joseph Smith, or Denver Snuffer. This is what true prophets teach! You can do what they do and all the others have done! They don't dominate or control you in any negative way. These are true messengers!!! God can empower you with Priesthood to Baptize, or use the priesthood passed on in the LDS church prior to 2014, to do something new outside the existing power structures of men, like in the case of Alma, or even seal your wife and your children to you for eternity, once you are sealed to God. God is decentralizing, dis-enfrachising religion, like Christ was trying to do among temple goers in His mortal mission days. Because it was necessary. Elitist psychopathic types want to do the same in the political economic world. God will accomplish overcoming that too. But only those who took His word as their guide, and followed it. will be a part of all that. And there will be much hardship for them too, until things are cleaned up by the Lord and those that follow Him here.
Fears and lies dominate the world at present. Fear is always the root problem to cause people to emotionally do things or not do things. It leads to anger. Both cause mental exhaustion and illogical mental processing or reduction there of. That leads to factions, one side against the other, and fighting. Contention. The only thing that overcomes all that, is Love and understanding. Empathy. Put yourself in that person's shoes and you can understand more about them, and thy they think and do what they do. Empathy is Love. Having understanding, empathy, compassion and sympathy is having charity for others. 
Truth sets us free. When man and religions go corrupt, God always has a backup plan available. He has His plans and coming resets to overcome the big reset of corrupt power hungry elite. Even if some of them or all do not plan to be the next Stalins who want to depopulate the planet on undesirables, what they have already concocted and caused, what they will do next in their 2121-2030 and beyond agendas, will lead them into it. The problem is that it's not just one organized group in one country. It's elite merged with leaders of nearly all countries. It all causes the biblical "end of all nations" - in a economic and political sense. But some of them do know. They openly talk about it in their contradictory public messages. If you listen long enough, you will see this contradictory speech. Rhetoric. Using some good ideas, mix them with very bad ones and preach the ideas as all good. Good becomes bad, and bad becomes good. It's all prophesied. It's all here. It's now and soon.
I could go on and on. Still trying to digest what I already see. We all need to be doing the same. Seeing eye to eye is not some magical thing that occurs out of nowhere. Just as the wicked share their ideas, so do the righteous. Those ideas can be heard, and investigate and adopted. Thousands of us are doing it. God has "set us free" in a spiritual sense. It's about time for Him to do so in a Zion city physical sense. It's all prophesied.

God's holy city is near. Centralized control and power beyond our wildest imaginations (because most of us simply don't think like them in the first place) is here, and the entire political and economic systems of the world are about to change worldwide. Much violence will follow. God needs a righteous, empathic people to covenant with. The Covenant group is still small, and God needs more to be a light in a very darkened world, that is about to become so much darker.

Have you sought God's word/spirit/truth to you? Have you asked and received? If I can do it on a small scale, having made mistakes of my own at times, losing answers to questions and blessings when doing so, but never losing the Lord's word complete (He will still talk and urge you to repent), if friends can do it on a greater scale, if prophets of old did it, if God said prophets will be out preaching in the last days, if God says he does nothing except thru prophets, is it not simple to understand we need to become such? God needs this, from you. If you have things to wring out, He will do so, with you direct. I don't care about or judge you for your mistakes. That's between you and God to work out. My efforts are to share truth, share light and point in the right direction, and to hopefully end up in Zion with you.

 Aug 2021 - Nanotech devices in vaccines, abstracts bio data and transmits digital ID and location:
Bill Gates patent WO202060606 to link your dig ID to the coming Fed digital currency system: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020060606A1/en
In 2016 Schwab stated that within 10 yrs, everyone will be tagged with a digital identifier.
Elon Husk (Tesla) stated recently that robots will eliminate 90% of jobs.

Georgia Guidestone line 1 states: Depopulate and maintain world under 500 Million

See recent WEF Great Reset books on Amazon by Klaus Schwab

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Mormon Polygamy and things

 A response made to a church scholar on mormon polygamy today: 

Those affidavits (made by church members stating Joseph Smith was living polygamy) are based on the beliefs and opinions of members fed with the "follow the prophet or be apostate" teachings of Brigham Young on that topic. He made himself the "one man" with the "keys" to say who gets to have plural wives or anything else. He abused his authority as a head priest and as king of the land. Joseph was doing after this life sealings. Not expanding his carnal marital options. He had no seed with other sealed women, tho a fertile man. Later he learned to do law of adoption sealings and he did those instead of marital sealings. The Tanners and others have much success, because the church and it's scholars still teach that Joseph was doing exactly what they preach is wrong. Joseph's name is being cleared after all this time. By God's real servants in our day. His new covenant people who will be used to redeem Zion soon to come. Joseph was not expanding carnal opportunity. He was not making underaged teenagers his carnal wives. He was not sealing other men's wives to share them. He was not trying to impregnate anyone else but Emma. Eliza said she did not consider herself a carnal wife, and I trust what she said. Those women were not carnal wives like those of old who were reluctantly and temporarily allowed to live something that is foreign to Marriage in the heavens. Foreign to the ideal marriage intended for us in this life, the only type that can be made eternal. John Bennett took Joseph's misunderstood and totally innocent and actually exalting, afterlife sealings, and expanded his carnal desires and opportunities. Brigham took what Joseph was doing, to expand his carnal sexual opportunities, and to preach that a man with a plurality of wives is absolutely required by all to become exalted. With 50+ wives, he certainly did expand his options, teaching by word and example.

The church has been under condemnation since 1832 according to the D&C. The Lord tried to bring it out in Kirtland and Nauvoo. Tried to endow them with power from on high. Tried to give them a chance at Zion for the last time to happen in their day. Joseph was taken early. Temple lost and fully destroyed by fire eventually. The members were cast out completely, coming to the deserts of mexico/salty lake valley. Displacement, death and sickness and loss of land and property. Those are covenant curses. A people given an opportunity for so much and failed and received the penalties they themselves agreed to receive if they did. Brigham Young, and all the errors, false teachings from teaching polygamy is the more exalted way, the only way to be exalted, blood atonement suicide nonsense, oaths or revenge to the killers of Joseph in temple rituals, indian wars to assist the darkness already going on in the USA displacing those who were rightful owners, and unjustified murders of their men, women and children in Mountain Meadows and Utah Indian war and others... all of it, is a sure sign that failure occurred, curses and penalties happened. And all that was followed up with confusion, contradiction and misunderstood teachings on important things like marriage and sealing and fullness of priesthood, not to mention the heavens as brass lack of revelation and divine communication, lack of prophecy, lack of anything that even closely resembles what Joseph Smith actually was... and all those dudes that line our books of scripture were.

Denver, however odd it may appear, has been called of God to do what he is doing. There are thousands of awakened, repentant, truth seeking LDS, preparing the way for the redemption of Zion at last. While the heads of the church see not, prophecy nothing, seer no new scripture into place, and have no idea how or when God is going to redeem Zion. In fact, they cast out the righteous from within the church, who are reconnecting with the Lord, a church that should have welcomed such things. And one leader went so far to actually teach that such things are not necessary and shouldn't actually be sought after. Tho it still teaches thru it's temple ordinances to do those very things that Denver and others have experienced. They abuse their authority be saying stop writing your books, sharing your measage or else. God says do, leaders say don't. Man obeys God and suffers removal from a church he loved. Then they reject his pleadings to stay, all the way to the top. Then they cast out any who simply reads his writings and agrees with his view of history. A people who actually care sooo much about their religion. The truth. God and being and doing what He needs.

I will admit I don't even like how Denver says what he says about church scholars on the PM topic. But it is necessary to get attention. I don't like how scholars respond in defense. It all can level out eventually. This is a serious thing that needs understood at last. It has caused so much chaos since the seed of cain first lived it. Especially among the LDS. Simply opening the mind and the heart and deeply analyzing it all, and expecting the Lord's impressions or words to the mortal mind, both can reveal the truth to us now. Give us the proper conclusions and understandings. Simply putting yourself in the shoes of a humble, meek wife being taught she needs to accept and live it, despite everything within her telling her she cannot accept it, imagining how her heart is broken within for doing so, should be enough. How can anyone ever be used to redeem Zion if they fail to clearly see all the many ways that have destroyed it from remaining or being restored in times past? How can we ever see eye to eye without doing the work to reason it out to get there? We must clearly see all the failures of the past, so that the risk of failure this time around is minimized as much as possible.

So many things in history. So many errors. Surely when God puts His spirit in men/women, if they are meek and humble and open like a child to accept truth, God can show all the many ways error and failure creeps in to destroy. In families, relationships, organizations, Zion prep group, etc.

This is one of the greatest errors in Mormonism. It opened the window to greater errors. Our history is ugly. It was wrong. It deserves apologies given to the world. Not defended or ignored or continued. We need to defend Joseph Smith's legacy, to challenge the Tanners and other critics, not keep giving them reason to keep pointing their fingers.

Plural marriage was reluctantly allowed for rare situations, in times of old, as stated in different revelations that are found in the first part of D&C 132. But it is not what is required for exaltation. It is not the original intent. Not the way of eternity. 1 wife, sealed with 1 husband, is. D&C says A wife, A wife in 132... a sealed wife is required. The equal ying/yang to completion. Equal, fair, complete. That is the Image of God. The alterations in D&C132 by Brigham in the1852 D&C addition, about a wife being "destroyed" somehow, if her husband teaches her all about polygamy and she still rejects it... is not valid scripture. It is unrighteous dominion and manipulation to control women. Emma was an amazing woman. She was not what Brigham tried to portray her as. She was one of the Elect then and she is now, with her husband. No one should speak evil of the elect of God, male or female.

The Church lost the seals, the sealing power that can continue Father to son, at the death of Joseph and Hyrum, lost there. That was allowed. Joseph went in knowing what would occur. Their failure for Zion and to the Lord, and probably some of his own, broke his heart. That is the reason for his tears with hands to his face. He was tired of false accusations and friends turning against him. So much was lost there. And failure and false assumptions and pride has been our problem ever since. Not to mention the adultery, murder and lies the BoM clearly teaches the readers of the book in the last days to avoid and would end up doing. Our org is the only that could be polluting the Holy Church of God in the last days. God gave the adopted seed of Joseph, the modern church, an opportunity to listen and repent and return since Nauvoo. The train continued onward on its own course.

Arms of flesh cast out the righteous from among us. So displaced from the hearing the truth and the message that Christ Himself wanted them to hear and accept. To the point of also losing God honoring aaronic priesthood and ordinances in the church.

I don't like any of it. I loved my days in the church. It was part of my identity. But the error is growing and continuing. It's plain to see for those that see and hear. Repentance is ignored and those sharing the message are given the finger of scorn, when they deserved a listening ear and care. They deserved your arms of compassion.

I once thought like you Brian. I researched for so many years. I read your stuff and that of many other historians. My wife (now ex thanks to church history actually) thought I was crazy for being so consumed in our own history. I was. It was that serious to me. I thought I had our strange history all figured out. But it only became worse the more I researched and prayed for answers. It boggles my mind that so many stalwart members could write up those affidavits about what they tried to show Joseph was up to, but they were under priestly pressure to do so. And in Mormonism, if you don't follow your leader, you are considered apostate and worthy of the finger of scorn and shunning. God wanted the USA to force the mormon ways of polygamy from them. He did not want Taylor setting apart secret priesthood leaders to continue plural marriages like fundies claim. Or Woodruff secretly keeping some leaders in Mexico continuing plural marriages even after the manifesto stunt. Not only was plural marriage being lived wrong in the polyg days of the church, it was lived without any man, including Brigham, having any higher authority or allowance from God to do so, which equates to unsanctioned polygamy or worse.

The errors are clear to me. They can become such for anyone. Yes, we need that discernment... without all the judgement and emotional responding.

Pres Benson gave talks to turn to Love the BoM to come out from under condemnation. Nibley and so many others tried to wake the church up to see error and analyze ourselves. Zion was lost. The power to redeem it was lost. It never came back since. The opportunity to come out from it was granted for a time. God did try to wake up the church with good servants within. He tried to clean things up with the force of the USA government before that. So many blindly assume all is well. Pacified. They like the social structure. They want what they want. While the truth, and the messengers trying to share it, are ignored or labeled and discarded. God chose a regular dude, a regular tho stalwart member among us with actual 40 yrs of prep by Angels, and 15 or so years of prep by the Lord Himself to continue the failed restoration, only after continued failure and ignoring of messengers within before him. The Lord obviously knew what the outcome would be when he sends a lowly member, with His message instead of those who sit in high seats. So he prepped a man for 40+ yrs, and that man not even knowing what the Lord would eventually do with him. The Lord would take 40 yrs to prep the man, because he foresaw the response when restoration like experiences and claims began again among members, especially when those things are sorely lacking among GA's. Everything Denver wrote in his books to the LDS people, are exactly what we needed to hear and learn from. Our prized org failed the Lord long ago. And we need to understand and repent and return to how things were in Joseph's days, or like among the many in our scriptures. We need to turn to the ways of our Fathers and DO THEM. I so worry that like those who cast out the righteous in the BOM, makes those once righteous claiming people ripe for future destruction. The last days destructions are close. This continent is going to suffer and endure so much, as well as all others. I want to be found in Zion. Not in the wake of destruction coming. I want to see as many repentant LDS people there. We need to clearly see all the error and come out of it and avoid any more of it. We are imperfect people full of emotions and weaknesses. We need to always remain humble, seeking for truth and understanding, and the mercy and presence of the Lord in all ways possible.

The Lord is beginning the strange act of the Father. The final act for the ending of this cycle of time. It's strange, but similar to the same ways as done in scripture before. Those who know their scriptures will be open to it, simply because it was before. Those who care enough, will listen. They will search and study and spend serious knee time before God. I know it seems strange and is hard to hear. But hear it, see it, and hopefully we can end up in the Lord's coming Zion, seeing eye to eye then, at last.

Monday, October 12, 2020

American Indian Holiday Today

 Today is a great holiday.

It's time for the ephraimite gentile immigrants, and even the seed of American Indian fore-fathers, to recognize the former prophecies and promises made to righteous fore-fathers of this land. The end times are near. Prophecies and promises made to righteous Fathers of old, in this land and of eastern countries, are happening and great but also dreadful things are coming to this land and all others. It's time for the righteous among all full and mixed blood American Indians, along with the help from true Christian gentile (to this land, but still the seed of older Fathers like Abraham) brothers to repent, awaken and arise. Avoid the fighting and pointing fingers as the world is doing. Causing division and contention and fear and anger. We need to connect with our God. We need to do that which He already promised will come about. The righteous will hear the truth and feel the Spirit of God burn within them when they do.
There is one Father above, over us all. He has a Son. Some of you and your ancestors refer to them as the Great Spirit, or the spirit of nature, etc. Prophets of old have walked this land as well as others. We need to return to their ways. Do what they did. Be true Christians like them. Not the ways of organized religions of today. They are all out of the way. All are corrupted by man. God needs the original ways restored. Examine the movement. See what God and His Son is already doing, with mankind once again, in preparation for Zion and the end times prepatory for the Second Coming. God has worked directly with men of old, He surely must needs do the same in the most important wrap up events of creation. For those who hear and see, who feel within to investigate more: https://restoredtruths.blogspot.com/2020/04/times-of-gentiles.html www.DenverSnuffer.com www.RestoreZion.com

"I give unto men weaknesses, that they might become strengths unto them"

 Many with weaknesses, fail to realize the co-existing opposing strengths, and even strengths that can come from having a weakness. Those with emotional weaknesses sometimes see things most take for granted or cognitively unaware of. A deep questioning and pondering mind, see's that which others fail to contemplate deeply enough. For others, greater things may remain superficial, un-serious, un-understood. If one cannot see/behold/understand their own weaknesses, and that strengths that attend them, how can one understand/behold greater truths? How can one help and support and be there for others in their weaknesses? It's the reason those things are disclosed in scripture... about the Lord making weaknesses to become strengths. He uses them to prepare and exalt us. See them. Be grateful for the positive things that come with them. They keep men humble and always questioning and searching and pondering deeply. Be thankful for them to a point, but also let the Lord make weaknesses strong unto us. Let the Lord help us overcome them in time, or at least use them for strong purposes - the work and glory of Father and Son.

If the Lord tells you, that you are His son, it has special and specific meaning. It is above that of a servant, and co-exists with that after. He is an Eternal Father forever to such souls. Some in the BOM declared Jesus is the very Eternal Father, because He became such... to them individually. It's the ultimate goal and reason we come here to receive and then maintain. To join His eternal family via a certain spiritual adoption. Few behold that necessity, let alone receive the designation, even then it's often to their own surprise and following doubts of hearing it, even when more than one voice may declare it. Despite it being hinted to or explained in scripture and repetitious LDS ordinances. And many who hear such, have a hard time maintaining it, and some can still end up losing it (in the current mortality at least) thanks to the buffetings of fear and seeds of doubt that satan uses to prevent that persons progression and growth and maintenance of that station with God. The 2nd necessity for exaltation or a fulness of the former, is to have an eternal companion sealed and the relationship to be such that it endures. This is required. Women must align themselves with, or encourage her partner to obtain such, so both progress as one. All must arise to such things in this life, or be damned (no not to hell hopefully, but stopped from progression - on pause for a time). And when such things are attained to, the greater work is getting thru al the tests and trials and buffetings that will be there to throw you off the path you are in deed on. Weaknesses can be for our good. Strengths can sometimes lead to our downfall. Be meek in both.
Ether12:27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Ether 12:37: And because thou hast seen thy weakness thou shalt be made strong, even unto the sitting down in the place which I have prepared in the mansions of my Father.

2 Cor 1:43 - "And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing, I implored the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then am I strong."
-His grace is sufficient for us, His strength can make us perfect like Him, thanks to our weakness that can propel/assist us there. Weaknesses are exactly what the Lord needs to make us perfect through His strength - His grace or power and authority and extreme empathetic/loving capability to do so. People have them in one way or another, all on differing levels at that. None are alone. All struggle. All have some weaknesses. We are here to experience them and get through them best we can, while becoming humble, understanding truth

Ether 5:5 - And when I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, saying, Fools mock, but they shall mourn. And my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness. And if men come unto me, I will shew unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness, that they may be humble. And my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them. Behold, I will shew unto the gentiles their weakness. And I will shew unto them that faith, hope, and charity bringeth unto me, the fountain of all righteousness.

http://scriptures.info/scriptures/tc/glossary/broken-heart---contrite-spirit -
"In the quiet service for others, when our minds finally come to rest on the only one who can save us, we can find that peace where the Lord comes to us and speaks words of comfort. He is real. He exists, and He comforts those who come to Him offering a broken heart and contrite spirit, and to none other."
2 Cor 1:2 Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Idolatry in Mormonism

A reply I made in an LDS group today to a member commenting that another LDS member should not be reading the BoM and liken to our day, unless some General "Authority" first teaches it:
No offense, but what kind of mindless people are we to be with this kind of idea? YOU and WE are supposed to get the gifts of the spirit. ONE of them is the gift of discernment. Another is to even prophecy. Moses: "Would to God that all the Lords people were prophets!" Christ taught to search, seek, ask, knock. Anyone, who speaks as moved upon by God (spirit) to do so, those words are accountable as valid as scripture. No matter who says it.

The BoM is a warning to the latter day failure of the church that brought it about. We are the ones Mormon was talking to. We have and read the book! It is a warning that God will wipe this land clean if the people within this land allow similar corruption as occurred in the past, and contains promises to restore Zion to descendants of previous righteous prophets once they and we, some of the gentiles who actually get the fulness (something the church never got since Nauvoo failure), repent and get to a point of true religion. What is that? That every person, regardless of some church title, has equal responsibility and duty before God and others, to equally prophecy, discern, preach and teach and invite, as much as some elected GA that so many want to pin all of their own duties and responsibilities upon. You want true Mormonism? This was it! Depending on a middle man, is nothing but IDOLATRY. The scriptures warn against this. True and real prophets warn against this. True prophets teach you to go and do what they do, like Moses and Joseph Smith. They don't pridefully and selfishly teach that they will usurp your individual duties to connect with God, cripple you from doing what you need for exaltation, and teach that they will be your middle man to tell you all you need to learn and know. Real prophets don't get in the way of your own connection with the Godhead! Scriptures prophecy that in the last days even young people will prophecy. GA's aren't young, are they. If we are to Zion, we need to do it with truth and proper mindset. How can we ever see eye to eye, if each of us are not getting revelation and inspiration and explanations and teachings from the Lord? If we are all connected with the same source, how amazing that would be. Search the scriptures. Understand what the modified and amended Endowment Ritual still teaches us to go and do! Read Joseph Smiths writings in the WJS. These warnings and truths are there.
Even BY made many errors and led astray in many ways. He literally and spiritually brought this church into the "wilderness". But he taught truth (likely remembering things Joseph taught in these cases) when he stated that none of us should pin our own duties upon a pres of the church or anyone else:

BY: Do not be deceived, any of you; if you are deceived, it is because you deceive yourselves. You may know whether you are led right or wrong, as well as you know the way home . . . What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction! Are you afraid of this? I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by Him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, and weaken that influence they could give to their leaders, did they know for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are led in the right way... Let all persons be fervent in prayer, until they know the things of God for themselves and become certain that they are walking in the path that leads to everlasting life.

George Q Cannon:
It is the design of the Lord to develop within every man and woman the principle of knowledge, that all may know for themselves. He has poured out His holy spirit upon all of us, and not upon President Young nor upon bro. Joseph alone. The Lord designs that the principle of knowledge shall be developed in every heart, that all may stand before Him . . . doing understandingly what He requires of them, not depending upon nor being blindly led by their priests or leaders, as is the universal custom, and one of the most fruitful sources of evil to the people on the face of the earth. God intends to break down this order of things, and to develop in the bosom of every human being who will be obedient to the gospel and the principles of truth and righteousness, that knowledge which will enable them to perform understandingly all the labors and duties he requires of them . . . We must all learn to depend upon God and upon Him alone. Why, the very man upon whom we think we can rely with unbounded confidence, and trust with all we possess, may disappoint us sometimes, but trust in God and He never fails.

Charles Penrose:
Our testimony does not depend upon Joseph Smith; it does not depend upon Brigham Young; it does not depend upon John Taylor, or upon the council of the Twelve Apostles, which is now the presiding quorum in the Church. I pin my faith to no man’s sleeve; I am a believer in the Scripture which says, “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.

Though these 3 men lived in times after a real prophet was taken from the church in 1844, what they said here was truth.

No man should be placed between you and God. WE have a duty to connect with the Lord Himself, as shown in the temple and shown by example in every book of scripture we have. It is what Joseph Smith was trying to get into the heads of the church members. What Moses was trying to get his people to go and do. What Nephi meant when he tried to warn US, the readers in the last days, to avoid - wrongly relying on arms of flesh.

The Lord is the one to look to, connect with, correspond with. Not another man. The Lord has all the power and authority to bestow. Go to Him, because He is always the way, and men are fallible so it's proper to do so just in case. This is serious stuff.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

LDS Condemnation Video


See also: www.DenverSnuffer.com and use the search feature. God used Denver to help the LDS Repent. A true messenger. He is also the "Spirit of Elijah" type Servant that God is using to redeem Zion for the last time. Including a temple. Gathering the true Christian remnant from all remnants. Being used to prepare for and wrap up the end the times of the Gentiles, the Age of Pisces, to usher in the Age of Peace, that of Aquarius, which includes the Second Coming of our Lord. A Lord, who is indeed a Father unto me. A Father unto all those who seek righteousness and truth and to help the Lord in His work... to bring to pass the Eternal Life of all, and who begin to enter into His presence, and obtain His word in reality. All can obtain. All can arise.

Hear the words of this servant. His teachings are true. His message is from God. His words about the failures of the LDS are exactly what we needed to hear. Exactly what other organizations need to also understand about the LDS Mormon history. The LDS were intended to do great things in the 1800's, and have gone on thinking all is well, when the opposite is true. The Book of Mormon, is a real scriptural history of prophets who lived in this land of North America.