Tuesday, June 23, 2020

LDS Condemnation Video


See also: www.DenverSnuffer.com and use the search feature. God used Denver to help the LDS Repent. A true messenger. He is also the "Spirit of Elijah" type Servant that God is using to redeem Zion for the last time. Including a temple. Gathering the true Christian remnant from all remnants. Being used to prepare for and wrap up the end the times of the Gentiles, the Age of Pisces, to usher in the Age of Peace, that of Aquarius, which includes the Second Coming of our Lord. A Lord, who is indeed a Father unto me. A Father unto all those who seek righteousness and truth and to help the Lord in His work... to bring to pass the Eternal Life of all, and who begin to enter into His presence, and obtain His word in reality. All can obtain. All can arise.

Hear the words of this servant. His teachings are true. His message is from God. His words about the failures of the LDS are exactly what we needed to hear. Exactly what other organizations need to also understand about the LDS Mormon history. The LDS were intended to do great things in the 1800's, and have gone on thinking all is well, when the opposite is true. The Book of Mormon, is a real scriptural history of prophets who lived in this land of North America.

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