Monday, May 25, 2020

That which Has Been, Shall Be

There is nothing new under the sun and that which has been, shall be... the bible reads. Things are repeated in different ways or severity.

This post was something I wrote back on May 10th elsewhere (I have recently came across new information as mentioned in the post

Watched this. It came up on Amazon Prime Video on my TV, without searching, or having any related movies or searches. It looked interesting. And it was. It sparked questions to take to the Lord in prayer.

Most is pretty accurate about history, until it gets to the present day mark of the beast conclusions. Criticizing governments for making days for prayer, is unproductive. Those are decent things being done, even if done on the 1st day of the week (Sunday), instead of the original Saturday Sabbath day. Yes, the merged christian Roman system that was used to have ultimate power and control in the past, and even killed their own people if found simply holding the Bible in their hands (dark ages) changed the Sabbath day to saturday... but getting all pharisee-ical about it today, will only cause problems after everyone getting used to the new day for quite a long time. I think God is happy as long as we are at least actually setting aside a day for Him and sticking with it.

Some of this will probably need cleaned up, and I haven't done a lot of research and spent enough time on it, but these are some of my current brainstorming thoughts on the topic...

The mark of the beast, has to do with buying and selling. It's a system our nation and other countries have subscribed to already. The very system that can cause the failure of the world economies we are already a part of. Some think the sign of the beast is the SSN. It's part of it. It's not something that is actually inserted in our foreheads and hands. God has some Seals He would like to put on all of our foreheads - symbolicly speaking.

The rich elite, search for and use behind the scenes methods to gain more power and control and wealth in the world. They find sneaky ways to control and gain power over large religions and governments and banking institutions. It is true that religion has been mixed with state, in order to gain more power and control over their citizens. Like that with Catholicism Papacy merging with the political powers for the ultimate King and Priest power scheme (hmm, Brigham Young did the same in his day in the Western USA). And the video shows the truth about that. But the elite have found something even greater than religion, to manipulate and use, in order to gain more power and advantage over others. It is the financial system that basically lends to and controls the world economies. If they can create, then lend to, and control the wholesale bank or "moderate" the economic system (ie: control the money supply and be the ultimate banking creditor of the world), and mix that with also controlling the political power holders, you can have absolute power and control. You could even orchestrate wars and other events to use for further advantage and benefit (if a country wars against another, countries borrow money from them and the elite shareholders earn more interest and profit). The USA is the end time beast where the system would be created, at the suggestion of extremely rich powerful bankers they originally trusted. Other countries have become a part of it. They borrow money from them. They print the dollar. They are the wholesale creditor to banks and governments. The Dollar is the number one held currency in the world. If they can control all aspects of buying and selling, and use and manipulate the greatest political and military powers to be in their pocket, they would have ultimate power and control. A new world order/system.. somewhat imitating what was done with Rome and Christianity in the past, but much bigger and global and hidden this time around.

The current reduction of freedoms in this current round of hardship with corona, and other past and future events (manipulating things with and speculating on fears of the people), are being purposely done for future use. To reduce the freedoms of the people, to have greater power and control over how citizens and countries use credit to buy and sell, and attempt to avoid or reduce or take advantage of in some way, the future civil unrest they know could transpire. They know it will eventually fail or at least easily can fail. There is no way to prop up and bail out banks or people, and repay all those bail outs and national debts, let alone handle larger disasters that come. The corona disaster will nearly collapse the system at present. Imagine if enough viral plagues occur, or greater natural disasters greater than any we have seen before.

The Federal Reserve system, government debts from war, the bank and corona bailouts, the USA government borrowing money from the Fed making the national credit debt too big to ever repay(printing money out of nothing basically), other countries trusting in and adopting the US dollar (backed only by the faith of the USA's ability to properly moderate and control the world's economic system using a bank system that our founding fathers wanted us to avoid - same used in Europe before) making it the number one held currency in the world (other countries also subscribing to the same system). When more people start to realize this behind the scenes usury of the people without their consent or knowledge, seeing how it was not regulated well and was greatly mis-used, and realizing that this very system is devaluing the very dollar to losing 80-95% of it's previous value (known as inflation - a hidden secret tax greater than all the other taxes currently paid), and begin to realize that this system puts all the burdon of repayment of this credit system that is near bursting point already, on the backs of it's unknowing citizens and their children for generations, and seeing it cause financial crises' and failures that it was originally founded to avoid such things... there are bound to be some serious civil protests and unrest. Governments already fear this such things from their people already. And people fear their governments being corrupted and doing things they shouldn't. Governments will likely do things to control future outcomes or civil unrest in plagues and economic disasters, which includes eroding and removing the individual rights of citizens slowly, with each and every hardship. But if rights are eroded, self defense amendments intended to prevent government corruption in the constitution further regulated or maybe removed... doesn't that set the stage for future corruption and the people don't have much left to fix things?

This currency-credit speculative system is running so fast on it's current path, and that train is so out of control to even begin to slow down and get back on the right track. We have already subscribed to that mark of the beast type of system. It involves buying and selling. You use it for all your transactions. It's a huge credit-debt scheme, and all money is tied to it. It is the Babylon system already in place. It is much more than the conclusions found in this video, which probably wants to funnel people into their religious network for further donations and funding.
God used other countries and powers to topple the corrupt power abusers of that past. A "stone cut without hands" in a sense. If coming out of Babylon is necessary, and building Zion also being necessary prior to the Second coming, what can cause the collapse of such new world order/system already out of control? What do the elite and government leaders who have banded together to control and dominate nearly every people and country and financial system and bank fear in the future? What do they think they need to do to preserve their financial system from failure? Would taking extreme measures, or eradicating rights of the people with adverse events slowly through time, be something they are using to prevent future unrest or uprisal from citizens? What else (mixed with natural disasters and plagues and health pandemics) could help cause the final end time economic failures and ending of nation prophecies in scripture? A war different and greater than before? A grand Armegedden or 3rd world war worse than others? How can that come about? Nation against nation. Neighbors against neighbors. So much chaos and destruction that the only peace to be found on earth will be among those in a City protected by God Himself?

We hear about "conspiracy theories" and are nearly mind controlled to think they are nonsense and should avoid them. Yet candidates to USA Presidency in the past like Ron Paul of Texas tried to warn of the federal reserve. He wanted to fix it to avoid huge future problems. The people selected another. We failed to see the warnings, we didn't think such things were really going on. We were busy raising families and paying bills. We were trusting in and getting used to the governments to bail out our banks, or bail us out and save us from everything using dept and inflation we each have to repay... but those very bailouts that mainly supported other Fed Reserve shareholders and banks that subscribe to their wholesale system (the system is very profitable, most of its profits goes to shareholders and very little actually goes to fund the banks we all use) are helping to cause the collapse of that system we all rely on and trust in. And the repayment burden is secretly placed on the backs of the people. That's not cool. It wasn't explained. Where did we sign on the dotted line for that deal? Do the elite want a collapse of the current system to actually happen? How can they benefit if it does? A second final, more powerful, New World Financial System the entire world would have to subscribe to? Or the system already subscribed too, and currently matching bible prophecy, is enough? It seems obvious that economic collapse and ending of nations are tied together.

If the repayment burden is put on the people thru hidden taxes like inflation, and if that isn't enough to settle the debt burdons, along with federal taxes we do see, what else will "creditors" go after if citizens are not paying enough taxes or not able to repay a loan they didn't even know they were being held responsible for? I recently saw the question listed on the recent Federal consensus, that we are all forced by law to answer... something about "do you own your own home free and clear?". Well gee, why does my government need to know such a thing about my personally held largest asset? If I mark no, what future use could they have for that? What excuse do they make for asking for it now? There were also some strange questions in the recent not-forced to answer Dep of Agricultural questions, about owning my own garden in my own yard. Really?

If this propped up (no tangible assets actually backs up the us dollar) new world (USA is the newest world power) order or financial/economic system will fail easily, and a multitude of end time natural disaster helps to topple the economic system(s) globally... if that happens, and people are out of work, starving, and losing their homes and mad at the current systems in place for actually helping it to come about, and finally realizing how the government has pretty much been manipulated and controlled with the ultimate wholesale creditor shareholders and even borrows from them like the banks do... how are people going to react? If taxes and inflation is not enough to cure the massive credit bubble in the near future, and banks cannot repay their debts to the Fed, and assets are being taken for the "good of the whole", how will people react if those things occur? How do they already react when disasters hit small areas or cities? People are currently protesting about the government having too much control over the daily freedoms of the people to work and live and be free with the corona lockdowns. Some countries like Peru are using their police to fine their citizens, and other countries using neighbors to spy on neighbor systems, for simply going out on the wrong day for food or not returning home on time. China did horrible things to their own people, in the name of public health safety during their corona outbreak. Are the corona numbers exaggerated to make it appear worse? What for? What have countries done to their own citizens in the past, in the name of protecting the majority from civil unrest? Would martial law and others things be considered necessary in such future events? Could some kind of genocide happen again, here?

Who is the New Babylon today? The scriptures are fulfilled perfectly so far. Positive and negative prophecies are being fulfilled right now. These are serious things. We need to understand it better. We need to seek what is most right and prepare for the chaos and destruction predicted there. God causes things to happen in the past, to clean things up. What is predicted of the last days? Are we ready? Are we trusting men trying to steer a very out of control system, or God? Are we too busy in modern babylon to hear and see what is prophesied, or to understand it? If we are to come out of Babylon (remember the old Babylon was toppled long ago - so there has to be one today to come out of) at some point, before the great chaos, how would it be done? When would it be necessary for a chosen Remnant of God to be used to build Zion as prophesied?

If Zion is the only safe place at some point, with a Temple accepted by God in it's center, how would it come about? What do the scriptures show? If all past bible prophecies have occurred perfectly as stated, even with some trying to change it up in the past... are pastors and priests and bishops or popes or presidents in organized religions properly warning and fully explaining it? Doesn't God usually use prophets from somewhere, to warn the people prior to some huge failure or complete collapse or being overtaken by others, like what is said in the Bible? Surely He needs some real prophets in the last days, to warn and prepare and do the actual work.

It's closer than people realize. There is so much already fulfilled. The negative things prophesied, a small version of the end from beginning outlined in hard to decipher prophecy that is easily decoded after things occur... are all lined up, even up until the end of the outline. People are figuring it out.

God does have a people He is preparing to be His Zion people. He is interacting with men, for real, today. Christ is in charge personally. The Book Of Mormon was saved to prepare this land, to be a New Jerusalem. To redeem a Zion here. The Book Of Mormon contains failed groups of people on this continent before. It is a huge warning to what can happen again, and why and how cleansing events occur. The Mormon organization failed to redeem Zion. It has no idea when it will come about or how. The heavens are as brass since Brigham Young and they are trying to lead the best they can in the situation they find themselves in. That's great, but for the end time things that need to come along, something greater and real needs to be at work. Like how things were always done in times of old in scripture. 

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