Monday, May 25, 2020

Signs in the Heavens Above and the Earth Beneath

Earth's electromagnetic fields are doing strange things lately, weakening in the southern hemisphere, maybe because a magnetic pole shift reversal is happening which will only cause more strange electromagnetic field fluctuations. A weakened emf of the earth allows the sun's electromagnetic storms and solar winds and flares to affect our health and world more. The earth's "heartbeat" or schumann frequency has had extremely high spikes lately (7.83hz has been the average - that rate is more relaxed, but higher spikes can affect hypertension/anxiety levels), what is going on in the heavens above and the earth beneath in these last times to affect such things?

Here is a audio version of the 7.83 frequency the ear can here (we can't hear the earths sound, this should be good for stress release and sleep):

These things affect sleep and moods and even emotions.
"Research within the last decade shows that significant alteration in solar and geomagnetic activity caused by such things as geomagnetic storms can precipitate significant changes in the intensity and stability of a Schumann resonance signal. This can take a Schumann resonance signal outside of its normal range and induce alterations in brain and heart synchronization and changes in the brain’s melatonin level.
Some ill effects associated with changes in solar geomagnetic activity:
Altered blood pressure.
Reproductive, immune system, cardiac and neurological problems.
Mental disorders, depression and suicide.
Increased hospital admissions, accidents and sudden death, as well as countless other stress-related conditions"

What about the man made frequencies altering life on the earth? Cell phones, electronics, towers, radios, tv, etc. Will these things used worldwide, work in the future if the earths emf weakens and solar flares/storms/winds and other things affect them?

Will such things above, alter/force the earth to change it's tilt axis and point us to a new North Star (a new earth or earth position) prematurely (the next one isn't scheduled to change for 1,000's of years)? Denver Snuffer talked about the world seeing a "new star" near the time of the 2nd coming What other star would the whole world take notice of and have such wonder about? How do "new stars" just appear? Sometimes planets lining up appear to be a bright star to the eye, like when the Lord was born. Would a axis tilt point us into the Zodiak alignment with Aquarius faster? Are things already in motion to cause the prophesied earthquakes and "natural" disasters of the last days preceding the 2nd Coming? I mean, scientists know that all these things can affect the molten metal that affects the EMF and is tied with tectonic plates, which can cause earth quakes. What about the large bodies of water that slosh around a bit, when such big changes occur? Does that cause the heaving of the waves and hurricanes worse than ever before?

Does God and his arch angels hold power over such things? Air (solar, space, earthly winds), Earth(tectonic plates, molten metal in the crust, emf, etc), Water (large bodies, oceans), Fire (solar, earthly, etc). To align things when they choose, at the right time, to bring forth new stars, which often point to important events like the Birth of Christ or the 2nd Coming?

These things do affect the mental/emotional/physical state of life on earth. The last days are riddled with mental/emotional distress. Disorders like depression and anxiety (and the headaches and other physical affects on the body and over reactions that attend those things) and others are already a global pandemic and plague upon the earth. Electromagnetic fields, polar polarity reversals, EMF resonance levels and solar flares/winds/storms, affect those things also. It makes a global problem even worse. More than the stress that already exists because of babylon or the world's financial and ruling systems in place. Poisons in food/drugs/vaccinations/etc. And some are born with DNA making them more sensitive and more susceptable to stress and more easily develop emotional issues, which causes relationship and family issues/stress. The increased distress fulfills the prophecies of fear and mens hearts failing them in the last days. When mental health issues surface, people grow cold, without natural affection towards others. Self centered. Steers sufferes towards increased seflishness/narcissism/psychopathy/disorder. The bible talks about these things being prominant in the last days. Those things are the opposite of true Christian behavior. Everything is lining up to cause an increase of these things. It will be a greater global pandemic in itself.

Aquarius is the age of peace. How do we get to such an age with the world as it is in the Pisces era? The millenium is a part of the era of peace. It's larger, so more time is associated than the average 2,160 years calculated by man per zodiak period. And it partly overlaps Pisces, the era of deception and chaos. Christ is the one who brings Judgement at His coming. To pour out judgement. There are 2 things poured out at that day. Fire and Water. Pisces contains 2 fish. Swimming towards the Water to be poured out. 1 fish, or portion of true christians find it. They have Zion. They are preserved during that period. They have the waters of life in spiritual and physical ways. The majority of Christians swim round and round, still searching. Christ is the "Aquaman", or the one who brings in the age of Aquarius. It's His 7th day of peace and rest. Those not prepared, not having their "lamps ready", are not ready for that event. But it must still come when the Father says let it be done. One is Fire, because it represents that those not prepared, will not be able to handle the Glory of the Lord (and those that follow Him), at His return. Scriptures talk about being burned up at the last day. Does the glory alone actually do that at that time? What does it take to withstand it?

Everything is lining up. In the heavens above, in the earth beneath. Among life on earth, the good and the bad. The true Christian Fish at the last great day of judgement to be poured out. They/we are saving up funds for that final end time temple. Waiting for the Lord to pick a location and say go. It was prophesied to exist before the 2nd coming, and it must exist for many more reasons than Mormons and others currently do in theirs. In Zion. To usher in a new era. Aquarius is His age. It's not a new age for the LDS to rule and reign above all Christians and do work for the dead and fix past temple errors. It's definately not for those who seek a new world order of financial/health/government systems for greedy men to have greater power and control than they already have. It's the Lords. And He is in charge. He is directing the show. Not the Covenant Remnants people here. Not even the man God chose to redeem Zion decides or says when. It's the Lord. That servant didn't even know what God would actually use him to do for many years. He is the one, in the "spirit of Elijah" God is using to redeem Zion. To prepare for the New Era of Peace that God alone will bring.

This isn't a bunch of mormon or christian fanatacism. This is not another mormon group breaking off doing it's own thing, and end up going no where like all the rest. This is God's doing. Those in the last days Zion, truly will be the ones more at peace, and protected when things get so bad everywhere. Wouldn't you have more peace, knowing you are a part of God's work? That you are pleasing Him by doing so? That you are heading towards His Zion City and temple that He will protect? How at peace will you be, when the Lord is there in person? When a temple accepted by Him, is able to open the veil to those in the heavens above? And the return of Zion cities past, and righteous friends and Father's of old in person? Scriptures prophesy, that as Zion and the positive things begin, so does the end times negative events increase. They grow stronger in opposite directions.

The good and the bad is lining up. The stars even. The wickedness and deception here. Financial collapse everywhere is on its way or already beginning. All the things done by mortals, plus the wicked things that are shortly to come by greedy men, are enough to cause that. That collapse can cause government collapses as well. Which can cause serious fear and disorder. Civil unrest. Add all of this up, and see the truth about all the secret combinations that actually do exist, which will need cleansed from this land and the world... it's enough to wake anyone up.

Fear of the negative things here and prophesied, is enough to get us taking a look. To repent and face a better direction. To choose the correct path at that crossroad. Fear at this stage is normal to get through. But Faith and hearing the spirit of God confirming this is His work is still necessary. And don't look for Zion, for selfish advantage, to have less stress or have divine protection at some point, or to have true christian buddies to hang with, or even for an individual reward from Heaven, but for the real intent of wanting to help God in His last days work. Without seeking a reward or acknowledgement. To do what He wants done. To help others to get close to God. To prepare for Zion and the return of a Eden or Paradisaical state, a new era. Indeed an epoch one. God's will/intent/goal. Not ours. Go about doing that, with real intent, and God will provide great rewards along the way. Even the water of Eternal Life. But that is His doing. He gives it when He will. Just go about doing the right things. No matter what things you have to overcome. The Lord will work those kinks out with you. No matter what others say about you.

I have strong love, care and concern, for all people. I can't stand any kind of manipulation, deception, or excessive dominion or control that exists everywhere. I have faced lots of it personally in recent years, while being falsely accused of it. It is everywhere I look in the world. Relationships. Churches. Governments. Business. Etc. It breaks my heart that people can behave in such ways one to another. And to envision what will come about to eradicate such things from this era... It causes breaking of heart and quaking of bones! We all fail at times. Put away failures and judgements, and lets work together to be a friend to each other, to God... to be someone He can count on and have faith in, until He makes us eternal family under Him. I have a strong Love for the Lord and the Father, and all those who have gone before and assist them. The Lord is quick to forgive. He in fact teaches and communicates. He has shown great character to me. He has shown me, even corrected at times, even then in good ways. What an example to live up to. Love is the solution. For others and God. It pushes out fear and worry. It can overcome stress, fear, depression, worry. It can heal and bring in an era of peace in reality. No wonder scripture says God is Love. He has so much of it. He simply wants us to share with others what He has.

The world is entering a final phase in it's current era. Good and bad is coming. True christians have the duty to warn and help others they care about. I care. Please take a look and prepare. And show care to others by helping them, in effect helping the Lord. He needs us. Darkness is coming, more than already exists. The earth needs more Light to shine through all that.

See also:

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