Monday, May 25, 2020

Yesterdays Conspiracies Are Tomorrow's Headlines

Some truths have been pushed aside by labeling them "conspiracy theories". Crazy things I once thought were just that, turned out to be real with plenty of evidence. But some theories or leaks, you just don't want to believe could be happening now or in the future.

Hows your VMAT2 "GodGene" in your frontal lobe?

-Is this what Israelites have more of? To have greater spiritual experiences and revelation? hmmm. Joseph said something about that. Here's scientific proof that the mind has a way to connect with God. And help a person to be more "God-like". More Christian. More faithful. More peaceful. There has to be a way that the mortal mind can receive the energy conversations and visions and words coming through the spiritual process, and perceived in the physical mind. This is different than I formerly concluded. Doug Mendenhall use to teach it is was the pituitary gland that received those things in my early awakening days (no offense to Doug if he hears this. He's a nice guy! Maybe the pituitary gland is a repeater antenna of some sort? But there has to be an actual chemical process to transmit and perceive those things into the mortal mind).

Can we somehow increase our God-Gene to activate more of the brain chemicals or protein or whatever, to give us more spirituality and divine connection and experiences? Can God somehow alter some brains to "see and hear"? Those shamans getting into the right freguency/state of mind with man made plants, to get into a more open state, where not so off were they. Course hallucinations are normal physical reactions, and the dark as well as the good communications could occur. Thats just not a back door I want to attempt.

Wait... if this is proved in science, can some scientist modify that gene in people to reduce spirituality? Thru biogenetic re-engineering? Is it possible to attach modification molecules to a virus easily spread person to person after public introduction? Or to a vaccine to treat a new virus, that some elite, wealthy, depopulation theorists might want the entire world to receive, in the name of global public health safety? And if such a thing occurs, even in another country, using a secret military mind altering mission... I mean yesterday's conspiracy theories become tomorrows headlines nowadays... what happens when that virus/gene modifier spreads person to person around the world? In our own land? Is the current corona virus, a test for something greater in the near future? Like a more devastating biblical plan-B last days level pandemic? Or is the current one going to "getter done"? Whatever that is.

Hmm... could such bio-engineering, a secret weapon, a war without missles, be one of the many causes of increased fear and depression and mental health issues in the last days? Less seeking of God? Being more materialistic and focused on Babylon? If lack of the chemical that this gene causes to be created in the mind, also disrupts seratonin/dopamine processes and effectually causes depression/mental issues while also reducing religious or spiritual knowledge and experiences... so those who already have those issues from nature/DNA and/or nurture, might have less inclination to be spiritual (at least sincerely) or hear from God? Makes them less-Christian and more egoistic? I think they still can receive, it's just a little more difficult to "pierce that veil"? Is this why people with extreme selfish issues, seem so cold and disconnected and can be manipulative and deceptive? To make good people and things seem bad, and their badness hidden and them appearing as good? Are the overt narcissistic elite who seek control and wealth at the expense of others, maybe wanting the rest of the world to be more like them? Self-centered, without proper remorse? Without "natural affection"? More God-less?

Be sure to read this. Is this military guy lying? Is the DOD video he leaked somehow fake? The other docs he copied and leaked too? I read that he was getting pressured for starting to leak this info and his lawyer told him to lay low. He tried to continue leaking proof, but he seems to have been arrested in some other country and disappeared and not finished the blog years ago. Watch that first leaked DOD video that comes up and read the followup meeting notes:

I know. Some strange secret combinations... too great to even imagine happening for real. But has strange things happened in governments and countries past? Research the history of genocides globally. Some ugly truth there.

And in 2015, Bill Gates seems to know all about a future pandemic, even saying there will be a flu like viral infection, unlike Ebola, something more devastating, but more covert, and easily and quickly spread person to person, like on a plane or the markets. Where millions die. What exactly is he prepping the world for and why? What does he know, that know one else was talking about? Something everyone is talking about now?

Wait, he even funded a 2019 mock corona virus crises right before it came out in china:

-and the real deal happens exactly as he had foreknowledge about? Even during the same month this mock Event201 corona virus emergency test? Matching the exact Corona Virus that came out of nowhere for the first time in people, and blamed on china and spread worldwide, just like Gates discussed and fore-warned about back in 2015?

WTH? - no seriously. What has hell been stirring up this time during the age of Pisces? And what is going to happen soon? Can such things really be happening? Alex Jones stuff? --- nah that guy is dramatic and overbearing, that stuff can't be true.

If those things are not strange enough, search these terms:

Luciferase? Order some firefly luciferase for yourself to do your own skin contact vaccinating interlaced with gene modifying inclusions to make you less spiritual:

Wait, some people are leaking info about the use of luciferase and making a skin transmitting vaccine patch that can be scanned for corona. To verify people have it, as a pass to travel or maybe be in public or go shopping. And there is a push to quickly get it out and have the entire world receive it. What? I even read 060606 is the patent number... thats gotta be consiracy theory?? This stuff can't be in the works... can it?
What? Gates is a depopulation theorist too? Search it too. In his own words.

ID2020? Merge that with vaccine implant, so you can buy and sell to?

Bill builds bunkers for some future chaos and talks about viruses being more of a future threat than needing to fortify the military: Is this stuff real?

This is interesting:


Other things to search:

Bilderberg group. The FED. Inflation. Currency no longer backed by gold, just the faith in the USA government to back it and save us all, with national debt tax payers pay for. The Age of Reason writings. Depopulation and new world order talked about in the open. The occult all thru history has been sacrificing humans to get ahead. It's the old mahan priciple taught to cain. Even Christians and Mormons got into a warped version of SRA nonsense for a time. There are more ways to do that, than just occult priests putting humans on alters. The Bohemian Grove who symbolicly do rituals you can watch on youtube, that mimic such occult sacrifices. The "cares" they are carrying in that boat and burning before that Moloch owl, represent something else. At first they don't realize, but they get it later. After such rituals, they can concoct business deals and future plans one with another. And Presidents and rich elite attend such things. People know they go there. The Bohemian Club still has a building they operate from. Employees who work there want more wages because of all the wealthy elite attendees.

Just came across this...
$21Trillion taxpayer HUD money government money missing in 1999-2000 via the DOD? Accounting fraud? Mistake? Theft? Even after the accounting loss of $70billion with HUD in 1999? What for? For use as future Big bank bailouts by some behind the scenes elitests? But they also still printed money and increased the national debt for bank bailouts besides that misplaced $21tril. Our own tax dollars laundered and reloaned to us with interest?? taking advantage of using the secret method of how the government can have the FED print new money out of thin air? Or for some other secret military deal? What is the DOD preparing for with such a withdrawal/accident? What contractors did they misplace the funds to? Need it for some future unrest they know is bound to happen? Because of the The system our founding Fathers did not want to copy from Britain in this land? -Which they only adopted from failed nations past. The monetary system that is actually causing the very financial failures governments intend/pretend to prevent? Who are the rich elite banksters/shareholders?

The Fed was created to wholesale loan money to all the banks we use in this country. It is very profitable. The shareholders receive more money from the investment and usury lending than the banks they contract with. Our banks don't really have to hold much money, because they are backed by the Fed who doesn't actually hold much in reserves themselves. Paper money that is printed at will and backed by nothing really. Paid back by the people who don't even know it's happening. Without consent. The whole system is fraudulant. No other business could be operated like that. All the nations of old became so currupt and full of secret wrong doings who did the same flawed economic systems in the past, failed. Became so corrupt that other nations over took them.

What is this the"deep state" we sometimes hear about? The Bilderburger attendees? Those brought up thru Skull & Bones in Harvard or initiated in clubs and secret initiatory rituals before the Moloch owl like the Bohemian grove in CA? Well what for? What is being taught there? Personal gain at the expense of others? What did satan say he would do in LDS rituals we attended? "What is that apron you have on? (Lucifer draws his cloak up to reveal a black apron.) LUCIFER: It is an emblem of my power and Priesthoods"... "Then with that enmity I will take the treasure of the earth, and with gold and silver I will buy up armies and navies, false priests who oppress, and tyrants who destroy, and reign with blood and horror on the earth!" That was a pretty good prophecy of things to come in our time.

Are there things top government officials know about, things that other elites are planning in the future? Those "crazy" conspiracy theories are just untrue, fanatical, right? Could such secret deceptive combining of efforts like this actually be occurring?

How will citizens react when they see the financial failures and reduction of freedoms and rights, or possibly behavior altering, war weapon viruses that affect their target and then others, quietly transmitting person to person in common flu viruses, or bio-engineered viruses and vaccines further destroying global economies and removing free agency and doing more than just old school socialism ever did to control and dominate and profit from? What happens when people lose jobs? Housing? Food? When they start to starve, or their kids? How will they react?

Denver Snuffer mentions future genocidal warfare on this land. And people destroying each other in other lands. Well what happens to cause that kind of stuff here? No way! The land of the free and the brave? Or the land of the controlled and oppressed and depressed just trying to get by and somehow repay all the excessive government spending that we do see openly... too busy to see what's happening behind the scenes. To understand that inflation devaulation of our money is a bigger unseen tax. Too busy not electing a President candidate who was forewarning some things about the federal reserve system. What could cause the loss of power, the loss of control of the economy, the destruction of the economy, the genocide, neighbors fighting neighbors, the civil unrest here? Why is the DOD and DHS and local LE who militarize themselves, and get briefed, pre-planning for some future unrest here? Why are they all passing out religious fanatic watch alerts among each other? Sure it stars out for those muslim fundamentalists, but how far will that reach? Who will be considered a religious fanatic or fundamentalist in the future? Any kind of spirituality or religous belief? Whats up with the NSA tracking everyone, right there in Bluffdale? Google and facebook sharing info that must be stored with the NSA. How can the current PTB be displaced, if they are merged with governments and businesses and banks and religions and reign supreme? How can this land eventually be cleansed and given back to the ancestors whose blood partly courses the veins of many in these Rocky Mountains?

Those kinds of conspiracies are not allowed to go on for long on this land. The elite do it, they infiltrate themselves, or merge with leaders in governments, governments ignore it or don't believe such things are actually happening right in front of them, or sometimes involved in someway. Look to the Nephites and Jaredites for fair warnings of what to avoid. God allowed other people to destroy such corrupt civilizations in the past. On this land and in the old world civilizations. What happens when the largest beast or government of all time, organizes things with other large governments, allied and adopting their financial system and currency and health systems with them? It's going to get so big, and powerful and unbelievable, and out of control, a train that cannot be slowed. What will controlling selfish ego-man do to cause such bible prophetic disasters? How will people react during severe hardships and pandemics? Mix that with some serious economic failures, mixed with the coming natural "acts of God" disasters coming partly because some things in the earth have already been set in motion. Only one being can put an end to it all. HE IS COMING. Aquarius begins with Him "pouring" out judgement. One of fire or one of water for those who He chooses to protect. His Zion Covenant people. The good fish. The true Christian portion, while the majority swim round and round in corrupt Christian religions. The age of peace is coming. But getting to that point is going to be crazier and more deceptive and more secretive, than anything this creation cycle has seen. No wonder all the prophets who where shown the end from the beginning, wrote so much about our day. It's scary and exciting and shocking all wrapped up together.

That went on too long... but it's overwhelming. The things I have already seen occur here are already unbelievable. Is it too much to believe more will occur? I hope the new possibilities are just theories. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction:(

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