Claims, Competition & Division
Denver said there are 3 levels of Priesthood. On a level of the Holy Ghost, that of the Son and of the Father. We are baptized in 3 names, so that we can obtain the level of all 3.
In my understanding, there is one High or Holy Priesthood on the earth that the Lord is the head of. The Father gives that responsibility to His Son. In the past it was known as the Order of the Son of God. That is always it's name. But some have relabeled it at times. Great prophets of old, even some kings of Israel, held that. Shem had it. All those who obtain personal eternal Promises and a Testimony from the Lord, enter into that Holy Order of the Son. They were prepared to receive it on the prepatory Holy Ghost level. But those within the Holy Order, can share some of what they hold, via ordination or a setting apart to do something, like an Aaronic prepatory order before the Melchizedek, but is more of a apprenticeship or fellowship on earth until they obtain the real thing on their own, from the Lord direct, under approval and confirmation of the Father. They are allowed to Baptize and do some things. Under direction of one holding Holy Priesthood. And God respects it if done right. Until that person obtains the real stuff.
Some of us know LDS history, in it's fuller version, at least as is left to us to dig up in whatever modified versions they ended up in. Some of us see what Joseph was trying to do in his quorum of anointed. We also presume and assume what he must have been trying to do. We see there is something the Patriarchs of old had. A Holy Order organization as a family or tribe. With one head Patriarch presiding over all other family Patriarchs, apparently one on earth at a time. As Denver taught, that has only been on the earth at certain times and lost. Joseph Smith was trying to get a full restoration of the Holy Priesthood and full working Holy Order like what was held in the days of Abraham. Some of which requires a temple. He did some temple only things early, in a red brick store, despite the Lord telling him to wait for an approved temple. Maybe do them early and redo them later, I dunno. And there is history after Joseph, that goes thru the church with the seed of Hyrum which was never actually started by Hyrum because he was taken early and church descending into the wilderness, then there are periods of time when the church had no presiding Patriarch to actually ordain another to keep the practice going and continue to claim great things going on in the church. That is how the sealing power to do temple rituals was passed inside of the church. If its started with false claims or broken up over time, you lose that which is needed in temples. Even independent fundamentalist son to son patriarchal claimed history stemming from Benjamin F Johnson can be learned. Other polygamist groups operate with claims of presiding Apostolic priesthood obtained from claims that Pres. Taylor set them apart to secretly maintain polygamy when the feds where pushing it out of mormonism. These are all claims to be greater than the other, to get followers, to go and do whatever they want to go and do, or copy from mormon or scriptural history in their own ways. Needless to say, there is plenty of history in mormonism and it's breakoffs over time, for people to develop the idea that there is a higher Priesthood of the Father, with one man at it's head on the earth at a time, that is something outside the scope of the Order of the Son. An then one Patriarch wants to complete with other claimed Head Patriarchs or prophets operating on a "lessor Son level". Some claim those others are not Patriarchs, to defend his greater standing and title. Some claim they don't want to interfere with the work Denver is doing and respect that, and at the same time want to openly teach that that covenant group will soon fail, to not be a part of it, and their higher order and covenant group will be the right one when they do. But they fail to see, that there has only ever been one order, but different levels, duties of offices within the same.
The Holy Order includes people who have either association with the Son or/and the Father. If one obtains a great association with the Father, actually ascends to the throne of God and communes with Him, something that rarely ever occurs all through history, that does not mean you are part of an earthly priesthood that trumps that of and led by the Son. The Son is the head of the Holy Order. You still associate and do the will of the Son as your head, even if obtaining a higher standing within the Holy Order of the Son. He is that gate and in fact leads us to the Father still. But after that, the Son still remains your head. I think the scriptures and revelations of Joseph point that out. Which is why Patriachs of old are under Him, including Adam, Abraham and all others who had a Patriarchal Holy Order on the earth. You might associate with the Father, and Fathers, (that sounds amazing and we hope to get to such in reality), but you still are led by the Son. And for good reason if you understand the purpose of obtaining certain promises. This creation and all those sons the Lord gathers and redeems out of it under Him are given to Him. It's the Fathers way of exalting His Son(s) to become like Him. To do what the Father already did, and the Son says He follows after.
Abraham received promises. But not all promises given to him, apply to some of those similar Abrahamic promises one might receive in C&E. There are things he received, like the nations of the earth being blessed by his seed... because the Lord was later born thru his seed and blessed the earth more than anyone else can, that no one else would receive after Christ was born. Obviously he obtained C&E level with the Son. You become a Patriarch to your family, but not a Presiding Head Patriarch over all the earth or over an official family Holy Order. Denver has talked a little about that stuff. Abraham also was able to restore an organized familial Holy Order. He became the President of the Patriarchs under him. His son Patriarchs under a Head Patriarch. He was still under direct supervison of the Son, the head of the Holy Order.
As Denver said, there are different levels to which sealing power can be used. Even on a HG level, prior to holding that of the Son. Christ is still the head of that too. He acts as the "HG", by giving impression and word = revelation. Which is why something done needs His approval and authorization. And its effective because it's the Lord who directed it and allowed it. There is some given to those who enter the Order of the Son, (associated with C&E) Denver spoke about it a little too. But still requires the approval of or direction of the Son to be valid or effective. And there are times when a great and noble or Prophet or a Patriarch is trusted to hold it and use it without constant direction from the Son, like in the case of Moses doing a miracle on his own with the rock. But even then, should still remain humble and always seek approval and only do what the Son directs. (Hmm, you see Denver humbly restating that he only does what the Lord directs often). Moses was given sealing power to hold to do the work God sent Him to do. These guys are still within the Order of the Son, but have a little more leeway to operate or officiate. And there are some who come here on a missionary status, the noble and great, who come here with a certain mission. These are the former El's, like Michael or Raphael or Gabriel coming to mortality for a certain mission.
Because of our church history, and that seen in the Bible, it's easy to come up with new ideas or ways to trump valid priesthood and work already being done. A spirit of pride and then competition enters. Some envision things happening in their minds eye, and count that as approval of God to do something or teach something or form another group covenant or order. Most of them I think start out right. They might still be on a good path, but may need to go thru some things to realize the other things were of their own make.
Denver is God's Elijah type servant to restore Zion. To have a Covenant people and group to prepare some to bring into Zion like Enoch of old. Gods and Angels prepared that man for 40+ years so that the end time work that was prophesied could come about, prior to the second coming. If the covenant group happens to fail in large part, there are just a few within it who can still succeed. The work will increase over time. It's seems like a God of confusion to do all that big work with Snuffer under the Son, and then have a few claiming to hold a greater Priesthood of the Father, pretending to appear to be in line with the covenant group and work, producing lesser fruit than Denver and then assuming greater things because they are actually getting some sons or followers behind them building up the pride and validating the man's assumptions, and then secretly teaching that Denver's covenant group is going to fail, so ya better avoid that one and join theirs instead. And when one like me opens the mouth to protect the valid work of God, I am considered to be like Laman and Lemual denying the works of God like they did with Lehi.
I have seen the claims all through Mormon history. I use to research it thoroughly. I know how the assumptions and exaggerations and the validations and the minds eye mental projections and maybe even hallucinations or deception can cause one to think and claim and then compete as they do. I speak from much research and experience. I have seen and heard so much within mormonism and most other isms. I only speak to help them see for themselves. And to protect the truth and what the Lord is doing. I am not trying to deny or prevent other great things God might be doing. I am not seeking to be condemned (oh I've been warned of that too) for opening my mouth while actually defending valid work. Denver mentioned that copycat things happen prior to the real one. He seemed to say that it's best not to talk about Partiarchal Holy Order stuff too much, as if to avoid the copycats who use his teachings to use as their own. But in reality, the copycats have been there for a long time. And that independent fundamentalist history smears into what is being done with the Covenant work. To make it seem lesser. Like a future failure. Competative fearful reason to reject that valid covenant work and join another. And hey, if one of those who have personally told me, or I have heard others repeat to others, if Denver somehow fails and the covenant group fails, and another covenant group makes it and redeems Zion in reality, then maybe a new Covenant group or order will pick up where they left off at that time to do so. But the competative groups and covenants at the same time, and the things said to push people to reject this Covenant work and join something "greater", and then especially comparing the labors and fruits of Denver to that of those other claimants, seems way out of order to me.
God has been and is doing great things with Denver and this Covenant group. God is in charge and I have seen Him doing things this time around to prevent failures of the past. I tire of the division and competition in mormon history and minds. Of course that is everywhere. But ponder it all deeply. We all see eye to eye eventually, how can we ever do that if competition and division continues? I invite all to become a part of and remain in this Covenant group. If it fails God will say so, and then likely turn to others as needed. This Covenant was Offered by the Lord, the head of the Holy Order, thru an authorized humble servant doing a good job so far. If some fail, that does not mean all will. But the work of the head servant, and the servants going about in their own little ways to also assist, is effective. It's going somewhere. And as time passes I think we will all see more clearly how clever the Lord has been this time around. Not to induce our pride or holier than others attitude, but I will protect what the Lord is in fact doing among this group He offered His end times Covenant to do great things among. He still tells me Denver is His servant. There is enough work and urgency to support what is already happening. Let's humble ourselves, understand and forgive one another, and move forward, together, to seeing eye to eye, to redeem Zion and more. End time prophecies are being fulfilled and amazing and scary things are soon to come. Some already here.
God wants true Christians. A good example. A set apart people.
God wants true Christians. A good example. A set apart people.
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